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Shanghai Minggong Heavy Equipment Co., Ltd  

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首页 > 供应产品 > Impact Crusher
Impact Crusher
单价 4500.00对比
询价 暂无
发货 上海付款后3天内
库存 200起订1
品牌 shmg
型号 101-2
规格 qualified
过期 长期有效
更新 2010-08-09 15:36
   From this page, you can get the Balls Mills,Lime Rotary Kiln,Impact Crushers,Impact Crusher Suppliers,Rotary Dryer,cone crusher. if you are interested in our products,please contact us by E-mail(sales@jxjq.com) or telphone, thank you.
  The impact crusher is a new design that produces an excellent cubical product. This impact crusher produces a high ratio of reduction. The impact crusher is built for durability and simplicity of operation. Adjustment is easy from the exterior of the crusher. Maintenance is simple through inspection doors, and electric power unit is standard. The impact crushers offer greater reliability, high production and are ideal for portable mounting.
  It features of simple structure, zero key connection and special impact liner. When crushing hard rocks, it is of efficiency and energy conservation; the products are of cubic shape; the sizes of the discharging particles are adjusted; the crushing process can be simplified; the production cost can be cut down.It features of simple structure, zero key connection and special impact liner. When crushing hard rocks, it is of efficiency and energy conservation; the products are of cubic shape; the sizes of the discharging particles are adjusted; the crushing process can be simplified; the production cost can be cut down.