Steam filters, steam lowdown valve is installed in the steam piping, mechanical impurities in the filter media, steam rust, sand, liquids, small solid particles filter, protection equipment, pipe fittings from wear and clogging, can protect the normal work, to improve the efficiency of the steam system
1、 蒸汽过滤器的阀体采用进口优质钢材,能耐高温、高压蒸汽,使用寿命长;
2、 蒸汽过滤器的滤网采用双层的优质不锈钢材质,耐磨耐腐蚀,且可配各种目数的滤网;
3、 蒸汽过滤器的连接方式有法兰,丝口,焊接等形式,满足各种蒸汽管道的安装要求。
4、 蒸汽过滤器有自动排污或者自动反冲洗结构,使用及维护方便。
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